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The rout to this ancient city goes trough the eastern Crimea, beautiful places glorified by Homer and M. Voloshin and lays near a medieval caravan road. Sugdeya, Soldaya, Sourozh, Sudak were the names of this city in different times.

The glory about city's richness was carried all over the world because it was situated on a crossroads of ancient trade roads: the Great Silk Rout "from the Variag to the Greeks". Powerful-defences and towers of Sudak fortress - monument of the medieval architecture of world significance and museum remind about former grandeur of city. This place was called by the ancient Greeks "Paradise". Without exaggeration we can say that it is the most beautiful part of East Coast of Crimea. The unique microclimate, rare verdure, picturesque landscapes all of these is Novy Svet. And exactly here prince L. Golitsyn "the father of Russian winemaking", has founded the factory of the champagne wines that have glorified and its creator and native winemaking. Note: + 12 USD / 11 Euro / 686 RUB museum fee per person. Prices are valid for next languages: Rus/Eng/Ger. Prices for other languages are upon request. Prices are valid for excursions starting in Yalta. The duration of excursion - 11 hours.

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